Forum Terms & Conditions
The Go-To Therapist Forums Terms Of Agreement
Discussion rules:
By registering with this forum you agree to abide by the discussion rules.
These include:
Do not submit comments that contain personal information e.g. home addresses or phone numbers.
Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, sexually orientated or racially offensive.
Do not swear or use language that could offend other forum participants.
Do not advertise or promote products or services.
Do not spam or flood the forum. Only submit a comment once.
Do not resubmit the same, or similar, comments.
Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic.
Contributing to this forum requires registration.The personal details which you provide on registration will not be disclosed to third parties other than in exceptional circumstances (eg: the prevention of a serious crime).
Comments will be moderated after being posted on the discussion forum. Comments will be moderated at least every working day.
Links to other websites:
Please refrain from posting links to websites that are out of the scope of the forum topics.
By making contributions to The ProSport Academy forum you are assigning copyright to The ProSport Academy Ltd.